Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters (three month periods) for easy description.

The first trimester of pregnancy begins from the time of your last menstrual period and by the time you miss your period and come to know that you are pregnant you are already 4 weeks pregnant, pregnancy is firmly embedded in uterine cavity and important changes are taking place in your body. The following two months, the fetus inside the womb grows at a rapid pace, the hormonal mileu inside your body is tremendously altered which is responsible for many symptoms which make you uneasy. A little information beforehand will help you to face them with confidence.

Morning Sickness
It refers to nausea and vomiting and may occur at any time of the day. It is not an illness but a sign of healthy pregnancy small frequent meals like a fried toast, plain breads, small quantity of juices, are helpful. Spicy food should be avoided. Consult your dietitian for proper advice. At times, vomiting can be of an extent that can lead to dehydration for which you may need to consult your doctor.

Enlarged and Tender Breast
This may happen soon after conception due to hormonal changes and slowly the discomfort goes away.

Again, the pregnancy related hormones relax the valve between food pipe and stomach leading to reflux of acidic juices from stomach to food pipe leading to a burning sensation in the lower chest or sometimes in throat. This can be partly relieved with medications, avoid lying down immediately after meals or lie down with raised head end. The symptoms tend to subside gradually as the pregnancy advances.

Food Cravings and Aversions
One may or may not develop cravings for one particular type of food or may feel aversions to sight or smell of certain foods. Rest assured! It does not affect your pregnancy if you are wise enough to make a balance between a healthy diet and your cravings. Feel free to consult a dietician to get a balanced diet.

Frequency of micturition
The progesterone hormone of pregnancy is responsible for troublesome frequent loo visits both due to increased urine formation and incomplete emptying. But, that should not make you restrict your water intake.

Dizziness & Giddiness or Easy fatigability
Some women face a constant feeling of lowness regarding the level of physical activity they used to perform earlier. This is attributable to fall in blood pressure and relaxation of muscles due to pregnancy-related hormones. Provided, there is no abnormality detected by your treating doctor, you need not take any medication. The rescue is taking appropriate rest and adequate liquids.

As with other part of body, smooth muscles along the gastrointestinal tract also tend to relax leading to a tendency for constipation. Usually, it can be overcome with a high fiber diet and adequate liquid intake.

Mood Swings
Bizarre mixed feelings of delight, anxiety and stresses related to future planning may at times leave one completely exhilarated. Meditation and deep breathing exercises help to adapt gradually. Family and Partner’s support are crucial at this stage. You might your yoga instructor for help.

Self-care is crucial for a healthy you and a healthy baby.

Diet is especially important during the first trimester of pregnancy as this is the time when maximum organs in the foetus. So, a nourishing diet at this stage goes a long way in promoting health in the mother and baby.

• Small frequent meals at regular intervals and adequate liquid intake despite nausea, vomiting are helpful to keep you hydrated.

• Consume organic or homemade food, choose an Iron, Calcium, folate and antioxidant-rich diet.

• Consult dietitian for a balanced diet plan according to your medical status.

• Avoid junk food, canned foods, seafood, uncooked meat or poultry.

• Completely abstain from smoking or alcohol. Exercise And Rest

• Pursue normal daily activities unless advised otherwise by the treating doctor

• Walking is considered to be the best exercise. Pilates and yoga too help to keep your muscles toned but should be done under guidance. Exercise also prevents you from pregnancy-related diabetes and stabilizes metabolism.

• Besides, do take plenty of rest. At least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is mandatory along with intermittent short rest.

Folic acid supplements are extremely helpful during this period to prevent neural defects in the developing fetus. Take the dose prescribed by your doctor. The prenatal care is more elaborate with your participation and knowledge at certain levels. A brief information will help better comprehension and communication.

• Give a detailed history of any chronic illness or past medical history and any allergies to your treating doctor.

• Feel free to discuss any of your concerns regarding pregnancy or childbirth during your scheduled visits.

• Schedule a private consultation if you are uncomfortable discussing your health issues in front of any family member

The treating doctor will advise you a set of blood and urine investigations. Some investigations will be advisable for the husband as well. This will give preliminary health information to your doctor and will help in further dietary plans, medications, pregnancy care and further investigations