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Publications (National)
- Jindal U.N., Malhotra S. and Devi P.K. Vaginal agenesis, association with par ovarian cyst- a diagnostic riddle. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India: 1982; 32 602-603.
- Jindal U.N. Role of FOGSI member bodies and FOGSI members in reducing maternal mortality and perinatal mortality in India. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.1988; 38 247-249.
- Malhotra S. and Jindal U.N. Management of tuberculosis during pregnancy. Indian Journal of tuberculosis 1988; 38:138-140.
- Jindal U.N., Gupta I. and Dhall G.I. Endometriosis and infertility. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. 1989; 39: 702-705.
- Jindal U.N., Dhall G.I., Dhall K. and Gupta A.N. Causes of Maternal Mortality in a tertiary care center in Northern India. Journal of Obstetrics and gynaecology of India. 1989; 39: 787-79
- Malhotra S., Jindal U.N. Clinical behaviour of hydatidiform mole. Journal of Indian Medical Association 1989; 87: 157-159.
- Dhaliwal L.K, Barik S, Jindal U.N. and Gopalan S. Unusual presentation of conjoined twins-A case report. Bullentin PGI, Chandigarh 1990; 24: 39-43.
- Jindal U.N. Management of infertility in females. PGI Drugs Bulletin 2000; 24(3):1-26
- Jindal U.N. Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Current Medical Journal– North Zone; 2000: VI (5); 15-20.
- Jindal U.N. Gonadotrophins – releasing hormone Analogues. Current Medical Journal-North Zone; 2000; V(ii): 15-18.
- Jindal U.N., Bhasin N. ICSI- Hope for infertile men. Current Medical Journal- North Zone: 2002: VIII (8); 21-24.
- Jindal U.N. Pregnancy above forty. Current Medical Journal-North Zone IX. 2003; IX(2):63-65.
- Jindal U.N., Bhasin N. Tuberculosis and Infertility. Current Medical Journal- North Zone 2003; IX (6):19-22.
- Jindal U.N. Management of endometriosis. Current Medical Journal of India; Vol X, No. 9 2004 p 29-32
- Jindal U.N. Gn RH-antagonists in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocol in assisted reproductive technique programmes-current concepts. JIMA 2006; 104 (08): 450-456.
- Nanda S, Jindal U N, Pandit V L. Pelvic actinomycosis associated with long term use of intrauterine contraceptive device. J Obset Gynecol India; 2010: Vol. 60, No. 4, pg 345-347.
Chapter in Books
- Jindal S.K. and Jindal U.N. Computers in the hospital administration. in: Hospital administration and management.(1991) Ed. Goel S.L., Kumar R., pp 213-231, Publ. Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
- Jindal U N .IUI lab setup. In: Step by step Intrauterine Insemination, editor: Surveen Ghuman Sindu 2008; Page 151-178. Pub: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Jindal U N. Sperm preparation techniques for IUI. In: Step by step Intrauterine Insemination, editor: Surveen Ghuman Sindu. 2008; Page 91-106 Pub: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (P) Ltd.
- Dr. Umesh Jindal, Dr Swati Verma, Luteal Phase Support in Principals and practices in Assisted Reproduction Techniques (Edi. Kamini Rao 2013, pp 604-610).
- Jindal UN, Sharma N. Complications of Ovulation Induction in World Cllin Obstet Gynaecol 2015;4(2) ;306-28
- Jindal UN, Jindal S. Ovulation Induction in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism eds Ghumman S Principles and Practice of Controlled Ovarian stimulation in ART Springer India 2015, 357-68.
Publications (International)
- Dr. Manisha Jain: Pregnancy outcome in women with hypothyroidism. Int J Health Sci Res. 2017; 7(3):32-35
- Jindal UN, Dhall GI, Vasishta K, Dhall K, Wahi PL. Effect of maternal cardiac disease on perinatal outcome. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 1988; 28(2) : 113-5.
- Jindal UN, Gupta AN. Social problems of infertile women in India. Int J Fertil. 1989; 34(1): 30-33.
- Jindal UN, Jindal SK, Dhall GI. Short course chemotherapy for endometrial tuberculosis in infertile women. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1990; 32(1):75-6.
- Jindal UN, Dhall GI. Psychosexual problems of infertile women in India. Int J Fertil. 1990; 35(4): 222-5.
- Jindal UN. An algorithmic approach to female genital tuberculosis causing infertility. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2006; 10(9):1045-50.
- Mahajan NN, Turnbull DA, Davies MJ, Jindal UN, Briggs NE, Taplin JE. Adjustment to infertility: the role of intrapersonal and interpersonal resources/ vulnerabilities. Hum Reprod. 2009; 24(4): 906-12.
- Jindal U.N., Y.B. Verma, S. Sodhi, S. Verma. Comparative evaluation of laparoscopy and endometrial polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis in infertile women in India. Fertility and Sterility: 2010; 90: S152, P 128
- Mahajan NN, Turnbull DA, Davies MJ, Jindal UN, Briggs NE, Taplin JE. Changes in affect and state anxiety across an in vitro fertilization /intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle. Fertil Steril. 2010; 93(2): 517-26.
- Jindal UN, Jindal S. Use by gynecologists of a modified sensate focus technique to treat vaginismus causing infertility. Fertil Steril. 2010; 94(6): 2393-5.
- Jindal UN, Bala Y, Sodhi S, Verma S, Jindal S. Female genital tuberculosis: early diagnosis by laparoscopy and endometrial polymerase chain reaction. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010; 14(12): 1629-34.
- Jindal, U.N.; Bala, Y.; Sodhi, S.; Verma, S.; Jindal, S. In reply to ‘Early diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis by laparoscopy and endometrial polymerase chain reaction’ [Correspondence] The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2011; 15, pp. 1135
- Jindal UN, Verma S, Bala Y. Favorable infertility outcomes following anti-tubercular treatment prescribed on the sole basis of a positive polymerase chain reaction test for endometrial tuberculosis. Hum Reprod. 2012; 27(5): 1368-74.
- Jindal UN Reply: Endometrial TB-PCR positivity in women with unexplained infertility with no visible, microbiological or histopathological evidence of disease in a high TB burden area: whether to ignore or treat Hum Reprod. 2013; 28(12): 3378.
- Jindal UN, Reply: endometrial TB-PCR positivity in women with unexplained infertility with no visible, microbiological or histopathological evidence of disease in a high TB burden area: whether to ignore or treat. Hum Reprod. 2013; 28(12): 3378.
Proceedings (International)
- Jindal U.N Dhaliwal L.K., and Dhall G.I. Female genital tuberculosis and infertility. XV Eastern Regional International tuberculosis meeting, Dec 1987; Lahore pp 302-307.
- Dhaliwal L.K., Jindal U.N., Panigrahi D. and Dhall G.I. Routine screening for genital tuberculosis in infertile women – A cost effectiveness analysis. XV Eastern Regional International Union against Tuberculosis meeting, Lahore, Pakistan. Dec 1987; pp 297-299.
Proceedings (National)
- Jindal S.K. and Jindal U.N. To tell or not to tell–Professional norm and practices in the care of dying. Proceedings of International conference on, Health policy, ethics and human values, New Delhi, March, 1986.
- Khera K.R., Jindal U.N., Dhaliwal L.K., Gupta I, and Dhall G.I. Evaluation of tubal factor by diagnostic laparoscopy. Proceedings of the 31st All India Obstetrics and Gynaecology Congress, 28- 30th Dec. 1987, Jaipur.
- Jindal U.N. Chemotherapy of epithelial ovarian cancer and its impact on survival of patients. Proceedings of the Continuing Medical Education Programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 32nd All India Obstetric and Gynaecological Congress, Mysore, 27th Dec. 1988.
- Jindal U.N. Pathophysiology of luteal phase. Proceedings of 3rd National Congress on assisted reproductive technology and advances in infertility management pp 1997; 83-86.