In vitro fertilisation, or IVF, has become a hopeful option for infertile couples in recent years. IVF has gained broad popularity in India, a country where there can be very strong social barriers related to parenthood. It can be difficult to navigate the confusing world of IVF success rates, though. 

However, concealed within the realm of hope are numerous factors that intricately influence the results of IVF procedures. These success rates act as both markers and puzzles, not only representing statistical likelihoods but also reflecting the complex interplay of biological, technological, and emotional factors. In today's era of advanced healthcare, comprehending000 the subtleties of IVF success rates is crucial, as it equips individuals and couples with the information needed to make informed choices and commence their journey towards parenthood with certainty and assurance.

Let's explore this area further in this blog to learn what factors affect IVF success rates in India and what all should be considered by prospective parents.

India’s acceptance to IVF process

The IVF sector in India has grown significantly in the last several years. The number of IVF facilities in the nation has expanded dramatically due to advancements in technology and raised awareness. Access to IVF treatment in chandigarh has increased, enabling a wider range of people to see it as a feasible choice, from larger cities to rural communities.

Trends in India's IVF Success Rates

IVF success rates in India have steadily increased over time due to continuous improvements in laboratories and reproductive technologies. Increasing demands and, consequently, higher success rates have been attributed to more knowledge of infertility treatments and easier access to IVF clinics in both urban and rural locations.

Increasing acceptance and support in India and in order to get better results, fertility specialists in India are progressively implementing individualized treatment plans that are suited to each patient's needs.

Recognising Success Rates

The percentage of cycles that result in a live birth are commonly used to calculate IVF success rates. Given that these statistics can differ significantly depending on patient characteristics and clinic procedures, it's crucial to evaluate them carefully.

In India, between 40% -50% of IVF cycles end in a successful pregnancy. But depending on a variety of variables, including the woman's age, the reason for her infertility, and the level of experience of doctors, results may vary. 

Here’s a concise table summarizing the IVF success rates in metropolitan states of India and the performance of Jindal IVF & Sant Memorial Nursing Home in Chandigarh:

IVF Success Rate in India

Metropolitan State

IVF Success Rate









Chandigarh (Jindal IVF)

40-50% (especially for women under 40)

Remember that individual outcomes may vary, and consulting with a fertility specialist is essential for personalized guidance. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 😊🌟

Factors Affecting the Success Rates of IVF

  • Age: A significant factor influencing the success rates of IVF is age. Younger females show more positive results and have higher success rates with IVF because they have stronger ovarian reserves and egg quality. 
  • Underlying Health diseases: The outcome of IVF treatments is also influenced by pre-existing medical diseases such as endometriosis, PCOS, and sometimes even male infertility problems.
  • Ovarian Reserve: The success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is largely dependent on the quantity and quality of a woman's eggs. Ovarian reserve can be evaluated by fertility specialists using tests like the Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) test.
  • Previous Pregnancy History: A woman's past pregnancy history can have an advantageous effect on IVF success rates, particularly if she has previously experienced successful pregnancies.
  • Lifestyle factors: Decisions like smoking, indulging in regular drinking, being overweight, and stress can all have an impact on fertility and, in turn, the success rates of in vitro fertilization.
  • Clinic Quality: The IVF clinic's standing and level of experience are important factors. Clinics with modern facilities, skilled staff, expertise of an experienced gynecologist and a strong track record typically have greater success rates.

Increasing Success Rates

Although it's normal for couples to aim for high success rates, it's crucial to approach these figures realistically and compassionately. Success rates might vary according to specific conditions, and a lower success rate is not always a sign of a subpar clinic.

Despite the fact that IVF success rates have increased over time as a result of developments in technology and medical procedures, there are things people may do to increase their chances of success:

  • Seeking Pre-treatment Evaluation: Any underlying problems that can compromise the effectiveness of IVF treatment can be screened with a comprehensive evaluation performed by a fertility specialist.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Leading a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and managing stress can have a good effect on IVF results and fertility.
  • Choosing the right facility: Your chances of success can be greatly increased by looking into and choosing a trustworthy IVF facility with a solid track record.
  • Help with Emotions: Having IVF can be emotionally taxing. Joining support groups or asking family and friends for assistance might provide you emotional fortitude during the procedure.

Although IVF gives hope, it can also be very expensive. The IVF cost in India varies on multiple factors like:

  • Clinic Reputation and Location: Compared to smaller towns or rural locations, IVF clinics in metro cities typically charge more for treatment. Furthermore, clinics with cutting-edge facilities and a strong reputation and higher success rate could bill more for their services.
  • Treatment Protocol: The total cost of IVF therapy might be affected by the intricacy of the protocol that the fertility specialist prescribes. Extra costs may apply for additional procedures like frozen embryo transfer (FET), preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Cost of Medication: The cost of fertility pills and hormone injections, among other pharmaceuticals needed throughout the IVF cycle, can add a substantial amount to the overall costs.
  • Diagnostic Testing and Screening: In order to determine a couple's reproductive status, they may need to go through a number of diagnostic tests and screening procedures before beginning IVF therapy. ivf cost in Chandigarh may increase as a result of these testing.
  • Added Services: Certain IVF clinics may provide extra, occasionally expensive, services like nutritional counseling, parenting counseling, acupuncture, yoga and stress releasing activities or other services to increase the likelihood of successful treatment.

In India, the average cost of one IVF cycle is between INR 1,25,000 and INR 2,50,000, or around USD 1,100 and USD 3,400. It's important to remember that this is only an estimate, and that actual expenses may change depending on the previously listed factors. Understanding the financial implications and exploring options such as insurance coverage or financing plans can help alleviate some of the stress associated with the cost of treatment.

It's critical for couples to research and compare the prices associated with IVF procedures at various facilities. Although price is a crucial consideration, it's also critical to take the clinic's reputation, success rates, and level of treatment into account.

Jindal IVF, one of the known IVF Centre in Chandigarh, with an emphasis on affordability and success rates, gives hope to couples struggling with infertility. Couples can make well-informed decisions regarding their fertility journey by being aware of the elements that affect IVF prices and success rates. 


In India , IVF continues to offer infertile couples hope and opportunities amidst the challenges of infertility. Couples can approach the IVF experience with resilience, optimism, and confidence by evaluating the many aspects described above, keeping up with treatment result trends, and knowing the elements that influence IVF success rates. Even while success isn't guaranteed, many couples can achieve their goals of starting a family through IVF with persistence, help, and advice from fertility professionals.


What is the IVF success rate in India on average?

In India, the normal IVF cycle success rate is between 30% and 35%. However, variables including age, underlying medical issues, and clinic experience can affect success rates.

What effect does age have on India's IVF success rates?

The success rate of IVF is significantly influenced by age. Since younger women have stronger ovarian reserves and egg quality, they owe higher success rates. As people age, their success rates decrease, especially beyond the age of 35.

What are the factors affecting the IVF procedure?

Yes, a number of factors other than age can affect the success rate of IVF treatments. These factors include ovarian reserve, quality of the embryos, lifestyle choices, underlying medical disorders like PCOS or endometriosis, and the IVF clinic's level of experience.

How many IVF cycles might it take to conceive a child?

Each couple's required number of IVF cycles to conceive varies depending on their age, health, and the underlying causes of infertility. Some couples might just need one cycle to become pregnant, while others might need several.

How can I find a reputable IVF facility in India that has a high success rate?

Finding a reliable IVF clinic requires research and selection in order to increase chances of success. Seek out clinics with highly skilled staff, satisfied clientele, cutting edge facilities, and open lines of communication on treatment plans and success rates.