Mrs. Simmi Maheshwari
Simmi Maheshwari qualified her M Sc. and M Phil in Zoology in ‘A’ grade from Punjabi University, Patiala with a particular interest in Reproduction Biology. She worked as a Research Associate at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh for about a year before joining as a Clinical Embryologist at Gynae and Fertility Research Centre Chandigarh in 1992. She progressed to become a Senior Embryologist at the same Centre which got re-christened as Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home in 2008 where she continues to work till date. Presently, she is the Chief Embryologist and Director of the Embryology Laboratory.
She possesses vast experience in assisted reproduction with several thousand IVF procedures. She is also a member of professional societies such as the Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ISAR), Academy of Clinical Embryologist (ACE) and the European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology (ESHRE). She also takes keen interest in teaching and research activities such as conducting work-shops in ART, participation and presentation of research work in various national and international workshops and conferences (as per the list below).
- A prospective study to assess factors affecting success of embryo transfer with good quality ICSI embryos
- Correlation of HEPA filter change on IVF/ICSI outcome
- Correlation of stimulation protocol and gonadotrophin preparation related factors with ICSI outcome in good and hyper-responders
- High Pregnancy Rate with ICSI with sperm obtained by Micro-TESE – A Modified Sperm preparation technique in Non-Obstructive Azoospermia
- Impact of ovarian response on pregnancy outcome within various diagnostic categories undergoing in vitro fertilization in self stimulated fresh embryo transfer cases
- To assess the safety and efficacy of low dose human chorionic gonadotrophin(hCG) for luteal support in antagonist in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles of hyper-responders where gonadotrophin relasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) is given as ovulation trigger
- External validation of a predictive model of factors affecting pregnancy outcome after intrauterine insemination
- Testicular Sperm Extraction by Micro-Dissection (100% immotile sperms)
- Embryo Selection
- Advanced Tests for Sperm Functions
- Fertility Preservation Techniques in Pre & Post Pubertal Men & Women
- Impact of ovarian response on pregnancy outcome within various diagnostic categories undergoing in vitro fertilization in self stimulated fresh embryo transfer cases
- Vitrification-Basics
- Development of a nomogram for early warning based on the relationship of key performance indicators with fresh in-vitro fertilization cycle outcomes
- Development of a normogram for early warning based on the relationship of key performance indicators with fresh in-vitro fertilization cycle outcomes
- Sperm Preparation Techniques