17th ART Update 2022

17th ART Update, 7th August, 2022 Time: 9AM to 5PM, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Chandigarh

Organized by: Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home, sector 20 Chandigarh and Greater Chandigarh Chapter of Indian Fertility Society (IFS)

Program for the ART conference includes important talks and panel discussions on issues of interest by the eminent National faculty. There will be important workshops for the upcoming young specialists:

  1. Genetics in IVF-Latest in PGT
  2. Perfecting OPU and ET
  • Simplifying IUI and Semen Preparation

There will be also a Panel discussion followed by a Press Meeting on most topical issue of the ART Act 2021

Highlights of the ART Act

Background:  10-14% couples suffer from infertility in India. IVF has reached industrial proportions. India’s ART market is at the third position and growing 28% annually. Involvement of third party creates lot of potential for misuse and exploitation and host of ethical and legal issues.

Stake Holders:  Patients, IVF centres, Medical Council of India, Insurance sector, Women rights organizations, Business Houses, Media, Law makers, Implementation Govt authorities,

Objectives of the ACT: An Act for the regulation and supervision of the ART clinics and the ART banks. Objectives :  to provide a legal framework- to ensure certain ethical standards  for ART and to prevent misuse

For freezing gametes, embryos, embryonic tissues for further use due to infertility, disease or social or medical concerns  For regulation and supervision of research and development

  • Gazette notification 25th Dec 2021
  • Enforcement Date: 2022-01-25; Given 9 months to complete delivery of surrogates for cases done before commencement date

Highlights of Law

  • Level 1 ART Clinic- These would be ART clinics where preliminary investigations are carried out including diagnosis of type, cause of infertility and only IUI is carried out as part of treatment.

 Level 2 ART Clinic- These would be ART clinics where all/advanced investigations, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in ART are carried out. Such clinics may also undertake research

ART Banks

  • Registered as an independent entity under the provisions of this Act.
  • ART banks will be responsible for screening, collection and registration of the semen donor and cryopreservation of sperms.
  • The screening and registration of oocyte donor.
  • The ART banks may operate as Semen banks or oocyte banks or both.

Surrogacy clinics:  Need to register separately for surrogacy
