Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients – National Conference by Jindal IVF

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  • Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients – National Conference by Jindal IVF

FERTIPROTECT 2019 – A national conference on “Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients” was organized by Jindal IVF, Chandigarh under the aegis of Fertility Preservation Society (FPS) of India to create awareness regarding fertility preservation among all the practitioners of medical disciplines involved in the care and well being of patients. As many as 200 medical practitioners and fertility specialists from across North India attended the conference.

Dr. Umesh Jindal, the organizing chairperson and Director of Jindal IVF said, “Fertility Preservation is the ray of hope who wish to fight cancer and win over it. Fertility preservation is also becoming an option for those who wish to bear a child at later years of life.” Highlighting the increasing cases of cancer she said that with many advanced treatments, Cancer is no more dreadful if detected at an early age.

Dr. Sheetal Jindal, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Expert stated, “freezing ovarian tissue rather than eggs is one of the latest techniques of preserve fertility especially in young girls who have not reached puberty as yet.

An interesting case study that was discussed during the conference. An 18-year-old female patient was suffering from the first stage of ovarian cancer. Through the process of in-vitro-fertilization (IVF), the cancer was removed from her ovaries post diagnosis and treatment. The eggs from the patient’s second ovary were preserved which could be used for future pregnancy.
